
Stage 1 Tennis

Stage 1 Tennis Balls and Tennis Rackets

Tennis Balls

The stage 1 ball is 25% slower and lower bouncing than the yellow ball, helping players to continue to develop good technique and to implement advanced tactics. Matches are slightly longer and both team and individual events are played. The specifically developed Tyger stage 1 mid-speed yellow/green ball has all the elements of a traditional trainers ball with the exception that this ball has a lower interior pressure. This slows down the ball during the bounce and provides the player with more time to prepare their swing. These characteristics makes this ball the ideal trainers ball for children.

Colour: Yellow / Green

Tennis Rackets

Playing tennis is fun, but your child needs a racket that's not too big or heavy. The brand TYGER has a complete range of light weight aluminium rackets with a slim grip for children in this stage.

Tyger Junior 18 inch

Tyger Junior 19 inch

Tyger Junior 21 inch

Tyger Junior 25 inch

A few of our stage 1 products: